User's guide

Reference guide

Getting started

The User's Guide is a step by step guide to learn the basics of the SpaceDog backend services using code examples extensively.

The Reference Guide is the complete reference documentation of all the SpaceDog backend services, parameters, object structures, ...

Sign up

First, sign up for free to the SpaceDog platform. Provide

A backend id must be unique over all the SpaceDog registered backends. If you get the error backend id not available, try another one.

Once signed up, the administrator is granted access to administration cockpit and can manage backend settings and data.


SpaceDog services are only accessible over HTTPS (to forbid any forgery). Admin services are accessible from Backend services from {backendId}

For example, if the GetMePizza iOS application want to get data from its getmepizza SpaceDog backend, it will send an HTTPS request to

GET /1/data HTTP/1.1

To access services for authorized users, the request must contain a regular Authorization header using Basic scheme and the BASE64 encoded username and password of the user.

For example, delete the pizza schema (a.k.a. type of data object) is an admin request and need this HTTPS request:

DELETE /1/schema/pizza HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic ZG9jOmhpIGRvYw==

Next: Storing and searching data