User's guide

Reference guide

Schema field types

Data object fields are defined in schemas. Find below all the permitted field types.

  "car" : {
    "brand" : {
      "_type" : "string"

string fields are suitable for all string data that do not contain real text that should be analyzed for latter full text search. Names, identifiers, codes, zip codes, urls, path are good examples. string fields are better search with equal type queries.

  "car" : {
    "description" : {
      "_type" : "text",
      "_language" : "english"

text fields are suitable for all string data that do contain real text and should be analyzed for latter full text search. Descriptions, forum posts, messages, emails are good examples. text fields are better search with full text type queries.

_language contains the language setting for better text analysis. Defaults to english. Here is a list of available languages.

  "car" : {
    "convertible" : {
      "_type" : "boolean"
Integer, long, float and double
  "car" : {
    "taxHorsePower" : {
      "_type" : "integer",
      "_gte" : 1,
      "_lte" : 13

[Not yet implemented] Number fields are validated before objects are saved if these rules are used:

Car example:

  "brand" : "Jeep",
  "taxHorsePower" : 12
  "car" : {
    "lastToll" : {
      "_type" : "object",
      "paid" : {
        "_type" : "float",

Car example:

  "brand" : "Jeep",
  "lastToll" : {
    "paid" : 3.56
Date, time and timestamp
  "car" : {
    "..." : "...",
    "firstRegistration" : {
      "_type" : "date",
    "avgMorningDepartureTime" : {
      "_type" : "time",
    "lastToll" : {
      "_type" : "object",
      "paid" : {
        "_type" : "float",
      "when" : {
        "_type" : "timestamp",

date are year, month and day formatted strings. Exact format is yyyy-MM-dd.

time are hours, minutes and seconds formatted strings. Exact format is HH:mm:ss.SSS. The milliseconds part is optional.

timestamp are ISO 8601 strings with format like yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ.

Car Example:

  "brand" : "Jeep",
  "firstRegistration" : "1995-09-24",
  "avgMorningDepartureTime" : "08:22:17",
  "lastToll" : {
    "paid" : 4.76,
    "when" : "2015-03-04T19:34:56.123Z"
  "car" : {
    "location" : {
      "_type" : "geopoint"

Example of car object with a location field:

  "brand" : "Jeep",
  "plate" : "FG-89776-XKE",
  "location" : {
    "lat" : 41.12,
    "lon" : -71.34

A geopoint field represent a precise (1 meter) point on planet earth. They are automatically geo hashed and indexed for geographical search.

  "car" : {
    "color" : {
      "_type" : "enum",
      "_values" : ["electric-blue", "burgundy-red", "silver-metal", "tropical-green"]

[Not yet implemented] The directive _values is not yet implemented.

Car example:

  "brand" : "Jeep",
  "color" : "tropical-green"
  "car" : {
    "extra" : {
      "_type" : "stash"

Use a stash field to store a JSON that does not need any validation nor indexing. Fields and values inside a stash field do not need to be defined in the schema.

You might need this when:

Car example:

  "brand" : "Jeep",
  "extra" : {
    "..." : "..."
Reference [Not yet implemented]
  "car" : {
    "owner" : {
      "_type" : "ref",
      "_refType" : "user"

Use a ref field to store an identifier of another object of the same data store. If necessary, use _refType to indicate the type of the referenced object.

Car example:

  "brand" : "Jeep",
  "owner" : "ptidenis"

To fetch a car object but also its owner referenced user object, send a GET /1/data/car/76867kjvkgcjg8764jhgkhc request with the fetch param set to owner. You get the following response:

  "brand" : "Jeep",
  "..." : "...",
  "owner" : {
    "username" : "ptidenis",
    "email" : "",
    "..." : "..."

The fetch param accepts a comma separated list of field names and the all keyword. It only fetches referenced fields from the root object of the graph.

File [Not yet implemented]
  "car" : {
    "userManual" : {
      "_type" : "file",
      "_contentTypes" : ["application/pdf"]

Use a file field to reference an uploaded file. Reed the deploy to the cloud page. Use _contentTypes if you need to restrict this field to certain types of files.

Car example:

  "brand" : "Jeep",
  "userManual" : "jhjhbjgvc9786Rjhchvghvk87954jhcJHVv"
Amount [Not yet implemented]
  "car" : {
    "lastToll" : {
      "_type" : "object",
      "paid" : {
        "_type" : "amount",
        "_required" : true
      "when" : {
        "_type" : "timestamp",
        "_required" : true

Use an amount field to store amounts. The three first characters encodes the currency in ISO 4217 format. The following characters represent the number. The decimal separator is a dot. A +or - can preceed the number. When dealing with amounts, prefer this type than float or double fields that might lead you to precision errors.

Car Example:

  "brand" : "Jeep",
  "lastToll" : {
    "paid" : "USD4.76",
    "when" : "2015-03-04T19:34:56.123Z"

Object access control [Not yet implemented]

Permissions can be set in a per type basis. The _acl schema field defines all the permissions of data objects defined by this schema. Car schema example:

  "_id" : "car",
  "..." : "...",
  "_acl" : {
    "_creator" : {
      "_read" : true, "_write" : true
    "admin" : {
      "_read" : true, "_write" : true
    "myApiKey" : {
      "_read" : true, "_write" : true
    "_public" : {
      "_read" : true

This schema means that:

Any user, api key and group can be listed in the access control list to set specific permissions.

When a user is fetching or updating a specific data object for wich he does not have permission, he gets back an FORBIDDEN response. When a user sends a search query, objects he does not have read permission will be automaticaly excluded from the response.

Next: Authenticate users