User's guide

Reference guide


Use this endpoint to send emails.


GET returns the mail service settings. Only authorized to superadmins by default. See Settings for more information on settings ACL.

PUT sets the mail service settings. Only authorized to superadmins by default. See Settings for more information on settings ACL. Mail settings can be updated with /1/settings/mail. Default mail settings:

Default mail settings:

  "enableUserFullAccess": false,
  "mailgun": null,
  "smtp": null,
  "templates": null

MailGun settings example:

    "domain": "",
    "key": "..."

SMTP settings example:

    "host": "",
    "login": "",
    "password": "...",
    "startTlsRequired": true,
    "sslOnConnect": true
Property Description
enableUserFullAccess Boolean. Default to false. Wether users other than admins are allowed to send emails.
mailgun Object. Optional. The mailgun account settings.
mailgun.domain String. Required. The mailgun account verified DNS domain.
mailgun.key String. Required. The mailgun account api key.
smtp Object. Optional. The SMTP settings. String. Required. The SMTP server host.
smtp.login String. Optional. The SMTP server account login.
smtp.password String. Optional. The SMTP server account password.
smtp.startTlsRequired Boolean. Defaults to false. Wether to start a TLS negociation or not.
smtp.sslOnConnect Boolean. Defaults to false. Wether to connect to server with SSL security.
tempates Object. Optional. The mail templates.

POST sends an email with the specified parameters. Only authorized to administrators by default.

Parameters Description
to String. Required. List of recipents.
cc String. Optional. List of carbon copy recipents.
bcc String. Optional. List of blind carbon copy recipents.
subject String. Optional. The email subject.
text String. Optional. The email body in text format.
html  String. Optional. The email body in HTML format.

The from email property sent through this endpoint is not customizable and is set to


POST sends an email using the specified template. Templates are define in mail settings.

Mail template example

Parameters Description
to String. Required. List of recipents.
cc String. Optional. List of carbon copy recipents.
bcc String. Optional. List of blind carbon copy recipents.