User's guide

Reference guide


Use a batch request when you need to send to your backend a batch of requests. It speeds up operations since there is only one round trip to the server.


POST processes a batch of maximum 10 requests. The body is an array of request JSON objects. Example:

          "method" : "GET",
          "path" : "/1/data/product",
          "parameters": {
               "size": 20
          "method" : "POST",
          "path" : "/1/data/product",
          "content" : {
               "name" : "Teddy Bear",
               "price" : 23.45
          "method" : "DELETE",
          "path" : "/1/data/product/GVTkGHKsuJhkJMV-i2ke"

And it returns an array of response JSON objects. Example:

          "total" : 0,
          "results" : [
          "success" : true,
          "status" : 200,
          "id": "HJTkKLKsuJhkJMVoUIh6g",
          "type": "product",
          "location" : ""
          "success" : false,
          "status" : 404,
          "error" : {
               "message" : "data object [product][GVTkGHKsuJhkJMV-i2ke] not found",

To pass specific parameters and headers to the batch requests, add a parameters and a headers sections in the request JSON object. Header values must be strings. Example:

          "method" : "GET",
          "path" : "/1/data/product",
          "parameters": {
               "size": 20
          "headers": {
               "x-spacedog-debug": "true"