User's guide

Reference guide


Users must have credentials to access a backend, its data and services. Users have standard roles (user, admin, super_admin) and custom app roles. Users must log in with a valid username and password pair provided as regular http basic authorization.

A credentials object has the following public fields:

Fields Description
backendId String. Required. The backend of this credentials.
username String. Required. The username of this credentials used to login.
email String. Required. The credentials user email.
enabled Boolean. Default to true. If false, credentials can no longer be used to access any resource of the backend.
enableAfter Timestamp. Optional. The timestamp after which this credentials is enabled.
disableAfter Timestamp. Optional. The timestamp after which this credentials is disabled.
roles String list. Defaults to [user]. The credentials list of roles. Credentials access to backend services depends on the its roles.
invalidChallenges Integer. Defaults to 0. The credentials count of invalid password challenges. The sytem counts invalid challenges only if enabled with credentials settings maximumInvalidChallenges.
lastInvalidChallengeAt Timestamp. Optional. The timestamp of the last invalid password challenge. The sytem counts invalid challenges only if enabled with credentials settings maximumInvalidChallenges.
createdAt Timestamp. Read only. The credentials creation timestamp.
updatedAt Timestamp. Read only. The credentials las update timestamp.

POST checks if the credentials specified by the Authorization header is authorized to access the specified backend. Credentials's username and password must be provided through regular http `Basic authorization scheme. It also creates a new user session and returns its access token.

Parameters Description
lifetime Long. Optional. The number of seconds the user wants this session to live. Defaults to the credentials settings sessionMaximumLifetime. Throw an error if greter than the sessionMaximumLifetime.


  "success" : true,
  "status" : 200,
  "accessToken" : "NDNlMmEwMjgtNmNmNy00MTQ3LWJlMmMtYzU0YTRiNWFiMDg2",
  "expiresIn" : 86400,
  "credentials" : {
    "id" : "AVlpB0bxQleq3kcG93hv",
    "backendId" : "...",
    "username" : "...",
    "email" : "...",
    "enabled" : true,
    "..." : "..."
    "roles" : [
    "createdAt" : "2017-01-04T11:30:01.712+01:00",
    "updatedAt" : "2017-01-04T11:30:01.822+01:00"

POST closes a valid user session. Session access token must be provided through regular http Bearer authorization scheme.


GET returns the credentials service settings. Only authorized to superadmins by default. See Settings for more information on settings ACL.

PUT sets the credentials service settings. Only authorized to superadmins by default. See Settings for more information on settings ACL.

Default credentials settings:

  "disableGuestSignUp": false,
  "usernameRegex": "[a-zA-Z0-9_%@+\\-\\.]{3,}",
  "passwordRegex": ".{6,}",
  "linkedinId": null,
  "linkedinSecret": null,
  "useLinkedinExpiresIn": true,
  "linkedinRedirectUri": null,
  "linkedinFinalRedirectUri": null,
  "sessionMaximumLifetime": 86400,
  "maximumInvalidChallenges": 0,
  "resetInvalidChallengesAfterMinutes": 60
Property Description
disableGuestSignUp Boolean. Default to false. Wether guests are allowed to create credentials
usernameRegex String. Defaults to "[a-zA-Z0-9_%@+\-\.]{3,}". The regular expression validating usernames.
passwordRegex String. Defaults to ".{6,}". The regular expression validating passwords.
sessionMaximumLifetime Long. Defaults to 86400 (24 hours). The maximum lifetime of session access tokens. In seconds.
linkedinId String. Optional. The linkedin oauth account id.
linkedinSecret String. Optional. The linkedin oauth account secret.
useLinkedinExpiresIn Boolean. Defaults to true. Wether to use token lifetime provided by linkedin when using linkedin oauth authentication.
linkedinRedirectUri String. Optional. The URI linkedin redirects to after linkedin oauth handcheck.
linkedinFinalRedirectUri String. Optional. The URI linkedin finaly redirects to after linkedin oauth handcheck.
maximumInvalidChallenges Integer. Defaults to 0. The number of invalid password challenges before credentials are automatically disabled. Set this to 0 to disable this features.
resetInvalidChallengesAfterMinutes Integer (in minutes). Defaults to 60. The number of minutes after the last invalid password challenge before this credentials invalid challenge count is reset to 0.

POST creates the credentials of a new user of the specified backend. Guests are authorized to create credentials if credentials settings disableGuestSignUp is false.

The request payload is a sign-up JSON object:

    "username" : "roberta",
    "password" : "MyNameIsRoberta",
    "email" : ""

The response:

  "success" : true,
  "status" : 201,
  "id" : "AVlpMtRpQleq3kcG93ij",
  "type" : "credentials",
  "location" : ""

If no password is provided, it returns a password reset code. This is commonly used when credentials are created by administrators. The reset code must be used the credentials's user to set his password. In this case, the response is :

  "success" : true,
  "status" : 201,
  "id" : "AVlpMtTTQleq3kcG93im",
  "type" : "credentials",
  "location" : "",
  "passwordResetCode" : "00cee6d8-a718-4ae3-8410-09255d00bed2"

GET returns all credentials.

Parameters Description
username String. Optional. Only return credentials with the specified username.
email String. Optional. Only return credentials with the specified email.
from Integer. Defaults to 0. Row of the first credentials to return.
size Integer. Defaults to 10. Maximum Number of credentials to return.

DELETE deletes all backend credentials but superadmins. Only authorized to superadmins.


GET returns the specified credentials.

PUT updates the specified credentials. Regular users can update their username, email and password. Only authorized if the password of the user has been challenged i.e. authentication with Basic scheme. Administrators can also update the following fields: enabled, enableAfter, disableAfter.

Request payload exemple :

    "username" : "dave",
    "email" : ""

DELETE deletes the specified credentials. A superadmin can't be deleted if he is the last superadmin of the backend.


DELETE deletes the specified credentials password. Returns a password reset code to be used when setting the new password. The user can not log in anymore until he sets his password. Only authorized to administrators.

POST sets the password of the specified user. The user must not have any password or his previous password must have been deleted. A passwordResetCode must be provided.

Parameters Description
passwordResetCode The code received when the credentials password has been deleted and allowing you to set a new password.
password The user's new password.

PUT resets the password of the specified credentials with a new password. Only authorized to the user of the specified credentials. The new password is passed in the payload as a JSON string. Example of payload :


PUT enables/disables the specified credentials. Only authorized to administrators.

The request payload must be a JSON boolean and decides if the specified credentials are enabled or disabled. Example of payload :


GET returns the roles of the specified credentials.

DELETE removes all custom roles from the specified credentials. Standard default roles (user, admin and super_admin) can't be removed.


PUT adds the specified custom role to the specified credentials.

DELETE removes the specified custom role from the specified credentials. Standard default roles (user, admin and super_admin) can't be removed.